The girls at work decorated my cubicle! Yes, that is a blow up monkey! One of the girls gave me some new cookie cutters. They are the most amazing shapes - I got an owl, dinosaur, squirrel, and unicorn! Awesome? Yes! My supervisor also brought in the most delicious chocolate pound cake. I didn't even know such a thing existed.
Then my BFFs came over and took me out for some sushi! Then we had cake and ice cream. I've had about 4 pieces of cake tonight. The waves of guilt are overwhelming. *sigh* Oh well. I guess I'll work it off in 2011!
p.s. I have decided to do 52 weeks of dogs this next year. That means I'll be taking one picture a week of Teddy (or whatever dog I have at my disposal). This week was "practice week" where we just had to take a picture of our subject. I threw a hat on Teddy and came up with this:
happy birthday?
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